
Little Finger Carrot, a wholesome food

Recent years, more and more mini products appear, for example, mini car, mini ipad, mini watermelon and mini plant. I used to see a foreigner hang a mini plant necklace on her neck, so beautiful. The little finger carrot is here to tell you that the mini era is coming.
Little Finger Carrot
People love carrot for it has so many benefits. The carrot can improve human’s immunity and inhibit the cancer cells’ appear, which has a great effect on resist cancer. An old Chinese said carrot is benefit for human’s good health and long life. It can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. And girls love carrot for the reason that it contains less calories and more fiber, easy to make them feel full, perfect for girls who want to lose weight. Carrot is also good for those who have myopia.

While carrot has so many advantages, people would love to eat it regularly. And the carrot is easy to cook and very delicious even with no other seasoning. But if it is not the carrot season, the carrot might even more expensive than the meat in the supermarket. Yet if you plant some carrot on your yard, you can enjoy the delicious carrot whenever you want.

This little finger carrot are prepare for a nature lover like you, it is easy to grow and easy to care. You just need to sow it on loose, fertile soil, and each plant should be five to ten cm away from the other. The summer and autumn season is very suitable for this carrot to grow outdoors, while in the winter, you need to sow it indoors and provide it with a warm environment. It will take 80days for the carrot to grow ripe, so be patient in this process.
You already had carrot, while you still want to have radish to make salad. So to solve your problem, I recommend this Radish Seed which is easy grow and easy care like the above finger carrot. The soil of planting this radish seed should often keep moist, and avoid too wet too dry.  This radish is also suitable to sow on the spring and autumn period. The salad lover and someone who want to lose weight, take an action to buy these seed and start your green and healthy lifestyle now!
radish seed

This adjustable shower head suits with your new house

People always said the single girl right now is much reality than before. They don’t want to get married until the boy is the owner of a house. But in fact the quarrels between them are beginning since they get married. They would fight for what should buy for the new house and where to put the new furniture. Even buying one shower head would cause a fighting, as the husband thought the shower head has to be big and have a lot of drainage holes, while the wife thought the more drainage holes, the more water would waste. In fact, an adjustable shower head can avoid this fighting.
adjustable shower head
I truly recommend every family to buy one of this adjustable shower head. First, it is a big shower head with many drainage holes, which you can adjust the water yield according to your need. Second, you can control how the water cascade down, you want it to cascade down more intensively or more dispersedly, you can control it as you wish. Third, this shower head is made of chrome finish, looks more luxurious can perfect suits with your house.

Besides, the perfect radian of the handle can promise you a comfortable shower experience. The even water yield makes you warm even bath in cold days, and feel cool after excise in summer days.

After a tired whole day’s work, to take a comfortable shower is much effective than any other relaxing ways. To adjust the water temperature of the water heater and prepare the husband’s pajamas are the things a virtuous wife would do each day, to let her husband have a good rest after work. This adjustable shower head makes the wife’s work much easier and it is many families’ wise choice. 

If you still think the above one has too much drainage holes that you don’t need, I recommend you with this shower head set, which with less drainage holes, while each drainage hole is evenly distributed across the whole shower head, can give you a comfortable shower experience. If you don’t find a shower head that meets with your requirement, come and have a look at this two shower heads, I am sure one of them would be your choice finally.
shower head set

Digital Kitchen Timer, make your cooking life easier

Digital Kitchen Timer
Some fresh cookers don’t know how many times it takes for the food to finally cook through. What eventually show in the pan either it is overcooked or too raw to eat. Even though we now have a lot of time-telling tools to help us in the cook process, we still forget to turn off the appliances or the flam when time is up. But with this digital kitchen timer, you can feel free to do what you want to do, and just come back when the alarm ringing.

I still couldn’t figure out how the ancient people know what time is when they don’t have any time-telling tools at that time. And as the new-human, we have all kinds of tools and technology to solve every problem we meet in the daily life. With the existence of the time-telling tools, we rely on them to tell us what time is it now, and help us to figure out when to turn off the appliances to enjoy the cooked through meals and do other things.

Like the o’clock, we get up immediately when we hear the alarm ringing, or we will be late for school or work, this digital kitchen timer is here to tell us it is time to bring the dish out. Besides, don’t be fool by its name, it not only can use in the kitchen, but also can be used in other place like school. For example, you can use it to remind you to wake up when the rest time at noon is almost up. You also can use it in the barbershop, to remind the assistant to help you with your hair after the long hair care process.

This digital kitchen timer has a long standby time of 99 minutes 59 seconds, which is long enough to remind you when the time you set is up. Since it is operated by one (AG13) button cell, don’t forget to change the button cell when you feel its power off.