
An independent review of the Vemma business opportunity

I have no connections with the Vemma company even though I like them.Let me ask you a question.Do you know how to get your web page ranked on the front page of Google?More On That Later... Sports Watches The product is a complete liquid nutritional drink rooted in the South East Asian "Superfruit" mangosteen.It's a super juice as they say.Bk Boreyko is the CEO of Vemma.He states in his promotional video. "Rather than giving 10s of millions of dollars to advertising agencies I use those same dollars to reward people that fall in love with what this product can do and let other people know about it". First things first, Joining the Vemma company is free and they make it as easy as possible for you to get started.You are encouraged to form relationships via social networks like Twitter and Facebook to tell your story and then send them to the website they give you. This is great, only make sure you respect peoples space. Simply yelling from the roof tops about how great the Vemma product is or pitching your biz op to people simply will not work.They give you a "proven" training system and tools, field leadership and support. I enjoyed a quote in their material that said "Other peoples experience is the best teacher" and from day one you can learn from your upline.A powerful and creative way to cash in is on the Twitter and facebook social media craze happening right now.They rightly inform you that you need to understand that these social media tools are not going to make you rich, "but help you to make friends ... and those friends will make you rich!" In regards to this last line my view differs. This quote sums up how you should be thinking. It comes from Spencer Johnsons The One Minute Sales person. "The Wonderful Paradox, I have more fun and enjoy more financial success when I stop trying to get what I want and start helping people get what they want."Think I am the solution to their problem.If you learn this lesson and apply it, any business you take on can only be a success.While I'm not a health freak, I do take care to eat pretty well most of the time and I'd rather eat healthy food over junk food any day. I mention this because Vemma is a health food product. Here's my story and it should be able to help you decide whether the Vemma biz op is the right one for you. I don't want you to make your choice based on emotion, rather make it based on information and careful consideration.Whether or not it was a health food company didn't matter when I chose my company. My entry into this business was by fluke so I didn't chose my company because of the products. I've run my Xerox repair business for about 4 years or so. I was looking for a way to get the most out of it and remove me from the actual work to escape the ratrace.I found a business seminar taking place near where I live so I signed up. I started researching the guy that was holding the seminar here in Australia to get a feel for what to expect on the day. I watched some YouTube Videos of him in action , read loads of articles on him, got a copy of his free ebook and then clicked on a link that said something like "See how an ex student of XYZ Guru makes $XYZ per month". Next thing I air swimmers know there's some other guy from the U.S. telling me about this business model and the marketing system he uses and how he only uses the internet to run his business on auto pilot.He had my attention instantly, this is precisely what I was after.I think YES, though who should I partner with? I ended up researching loads of companies only to join the first one I originaly found. Mainly because I felt the guy had integrity and could really show me how to build my business the right way. What I did learn over time with relentless study and application is that people do business with people they know , like and trust. I partnered with a person not a company. I'd suggest you sign up with the company you choose because of two main reasons, Number 1. Who the Person (Your new Mentor) is and what can they teach you? No 2. The system that they deliver to sort, sift and qualify prospects for business. With the right system, by the time they even see your business opportunity, they should actually be qualified to join you. The beauty of this system is that other Vemma reps are now your prospects too.The product should still be something that you like and can be proud to endorse. You might just love the Vemma product line. In the network marketing business the products are only an excuse to build an organization. I'm completely comfortable with this. The key ingredient to building any organization be it business, military or sporting is Leadership. When all is said and done, this is what you are selling, Your Leadership qualities and abilities. I hope you find what you're looking for.

